
Deaddiction Therapy in Hyderabad

What is Deaddiction Therapy?

Signs that someone is abusing drugs include behavioral changes like loss of interest in activities, withdrawal from family, mood swings, and decreased performance at work or school. Other signs are physical, such as changes in sleeping and eating habits, poor hygiene, shaking, slurred speech, or poor coordination.

What We Do in Deaddiction Therapy?

At Neya Psychiatric Clinic, we recognise that substance addictions, including alcohol and drug addictions, as well as broader behavioural addictions such as gambling, internet, love and sex and shopping addictions, can have a profoundly negative impact on all areas of your life, including your ability to function on a daily basis, your interpersonal relationships, performance at work, and your physical and psychological health.

Our drug rehabilitation clinic offers tailored drug addiction treatment programmes, strongly focused on one-to-one therapy for patients struggling with substance misuse and mental health problems. Our goal is to find out what's driving you to use drugs or alcohol and find appropriate strategies to regain control of your life.

Drug addiction, also called substance use disorder, is a disease that affects a person's brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug or medication. Substances such as alcohol, marijuana and nicotine also are considered drugs

  • If you find yourself in a problem situation, make an excuse to leave.
  • Make new friends who respect your decision not to use drugs.
  • Ask for support from other friends or adults if someone is really pressuring you to use drugs.
  • Go to events that don't involve drugs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Skin Care & Hair Care

Is There a Cure for Addiction?

Addiction is a chronic illness. That means it is incurable; however it is treatable. Like other incurable diseases such as diabetes or heart disease, it can be managed successfully. Treatment helps the affected person to counter addiction’s powerful disruptive effects on the brain and behaviour of the addict. If treatment is adhered to, the addict can regain control and achieve balance in their lives.

How are Mental Illnesses Diagnosed?

A manual called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is the standard used by professionals to diagnose mental illness. The current edition of this manual, known as DSM-5, contains listings of mental illnesses, their observed symptoms, and other attributes that doctors and psychiatrists can use to reach a diagnosis.

Does a Relapse Mean that Addiction Treatment has Failed?

Not really. The disease of addiction is chronic. That means that a relapse is likely at any time – just as a relapse is likely in other chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma or heart disease. These diseases also have physical and behavioral components. Treatment involves changing thinking and behaviour patterns. Therefore a relapse does not mean treatment has failed. It only means that the treatment has to be reviewed or reinforced.

How Can Medications Help in Drug Addiction Treatment?

Different types of medications may be useful at different stages of treatment. This helps in stop abusing drugs, staying in treatment, and preventing relapse.

Withdrawal Management

When an individual first stops using drugs or alcohol, he or she may experience a variety of uncomfortable physical and emotional symptoms. Certain medications are designed to reduce these symptoms, and make this stage easier.

Staying in Treatment

Some medications may be used during treatment to help the brain adapt gradually to the absence of the abused drug. These medications help in minimizing cravings, thereby helping the addict to focus on counselling and psychotherapeutic inputs.

What is the Best Model of Addiction Treatment?

The most effective treatment programs need to help the addict get into recovery from a life that has been dominated by the obsessions and compulsive behaviours of active addiction. The addict has been living a life that is a never-ending cycle of chasing his or her drug of choice and completely ignoring family, work and health. To be successful, treatment should address all these areas.

Moreover, good rehabs also provide support to the families of the addict or alcoholic. Since addiction affects not just the individual but all those around him, appropriate education and counselling should be provided to the family members. This helps in repairing the damages caused to others and goes a long way in rebuilding broken relationships. Family support is also found to be useful in minimizing the chances of relapse.

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